Whistleblowing System

Whistleblowing is the publication of important information and hints that an informant (= whistleblower) has received due to a special link to a company. A whistleblowing system enables whistleblowers to submit information and reports to the competent, independent office of a company using a protected communication system set up for this purpose.

BULMOR industries GmbH is aware of its moral and legal obligations towards all employees and persons with whom BULMOR industries GmbH works. For BULMOR industries GmbH, this also implies being open to reports of breaches of rules or unlawful behaviour and setting up a whistleblowing system.

Whistleblowers do not have to fear any negative consequences or retaliation by BULMOR industries GmbH. Nevertheless, it is possible to submit information and reports anonymously.

For the whistleblowing system, BULMOR industries GmbH uses software from the Danish company Whistleblower Software ApS. This Whistleblower Software complies with all requirements of the EU Whistleblowing Directive and the applicable data protection law, in particular the GDPR.

Further information on the BULMOR industries GmbH whistleblowing system can be found in the FAQs.

Note: Manifestly false information can make whistleblowers liable for damages and can be prosecuted in court or as an administrative offence


How does the BULMOR industries GmbH whistleblowing system work?
You can access the BULMOR industries GmbH whistleblowing system using the link on the whistleblowing system page of the BULMOR industries GmbH website. In this whistleblowing system, you can complete an online form to create a new whistleblowing report and, if necessary, upload files to this report. Your report will then be transmitted via an encrypted system to the competent, independent office.

The competent office will inform you about the receipt of your report, investigate incoming reports and inform you about the progress of the investigation. If necessary, the competent office will involve you in the further investigation of the report – via the whistleblowing system and, if requested, while preserving your anonymity.

If you provide your contact details, the competent office can also contact you in this way. If you wish to remain anonymous, you do not have to provide any contact details or other information that could be used to identify you.

After you have submitted your report, a password will be displayed. Please make a note of this password. After submitting your report, you can use this password to access your submitted report at any time via the whistleblowing system, receive messages from the competent office, specify reports or upload (further) files and continue to communicate anonymously with the competent office.

Who can submit reports?
Employees (including interns, trainees or temporary workers), customers, suppliers and any other person who has a contractual relationship with BULMOR industries GmbH.

On which topics can reports be submitted?

  • public procurement
    financial services, products and markets, and prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing
  • product safety and compliance
  • transport safety
  • protection of the environment
  • Radiation protection and nuclear safety
  • food and feed safety, animal health and welfare
  • public health
  • consumer protection
  • protection of privacy and personal data, and security of network and information systems
  • Criminal offenses
  • Administrative offenses

On which topics no information can be provided?
All topics that are not mentioned in the answer to the previous question are not covered by the BULMOR industries GmbH whistleblowing system. In particular, no personal grievances or personnel matters can be reported.

How do I become involved as a whistleblower?
Within seven days of receiving a report, the whistleblower will receive a confirmation of receipt of a report. No later than three months after receipt of a report, the whistleblower will receive information on what follow-up measures BULMOR industries GmbH has taken, will take or why the report will not be followed up.

Communication between the competent, independent office and the whistleblower generally takes place via the whistleblowing system. It is therefore important for you as the whistleblower to make a note of the password and keep it in a safe place.


Electric powered sideloaders up to 8 tons are qiet and reduce operating costs by using no fossil fuels and having low maintenance costs.


E-Heavy Line Sideloader

Electric powered sideloaders up to 18 tons are quiet and reduce operating costs by using no fossil fuels and having low maintenance costs.

Diesel Sideloader

Bulmor sideloaders lift up to 8-ton loads of all kinds quickly and conveniently. They are characterised by high availability and extreme durability.

Multidirectional Sideloader

The electrically operated multidirectional sideloader lifts up to 12 tons and is suitable for the indoor movement of long goods.

Special-purpose Sideloader

Together with our customers, we develop special-purpose lift trucks that are precisely adapted to the local conditions and optimise production processes.

Concrete mixer

The BULMOR electric concrete mixer is the ideal solution for the flexible transport of concrete in production halls, factory premises, concrete plants and construction sites.

Used / Rental lift trucks

Favourably priced used and rental sideloaders directly from the manufacturer: Starting immediately, we offer used and rental sideloaders in Austria.

Bulmor Airground

The SideBull Ambulift, a PRM highloader based on a sideloader chassis, ensures safe and efficient boarding for passengers with reduced mobility

Customised, application-dependent design and production.

Sideloaders and multidirectional sideloaders are impressive for their innovation, customer benefit, mobility and durability. They are also multifunctional and can be used worldwide in a wide variety of industries, from wood and steel to construction and plastics.

Wood transport

In the wood processing industry, sideloaders have been successfully used for decades to transport long goods such as squared timber, sawn timber, solid wood panels or laminated beams and much more.

Transporting metals

In the metalworking industry, multidirectional sideloaders are preferred for use in warehouses due to their manoeuvrability, which maximises storage capacities by using block storage.

Transporting plastics

When moving pipes to different storage location, it is important to use a sideloader to ensure transport safety by lifting the load from the side.

Other industries

In industries such as construction materials, coils, glass, sheet metal and many more, Bulmor is known as a recognised supplier of individual lifting vehicles for resource-sparing intralogistics.